Saturday, February 26, 2011

Advice for Weird Kids like Me

Weird kids,
No-one knows what it feels like to be the weird kid. It feels like you've got no-one to talk to, and you feel like you'll never get a second chance until school is over: For me, that's many years away. But on the bright side, the kids who have it 'easy' now, won't have it easy after school is over, because they'll actually have to work for what they want. The 'weird kids' usually become very successful, and are used to working for what they want. That's where I'll be-- I'll be successful where you popular kids won't. So if you're weird and feel like this is the end, don't be ashamed of it. When you are finished with school, you'll never want to go back, because you'll be ready for real life challenges, and never be  unsuccessful unless drugs and alcohol take over your life, then that's bad.
 Vahilla II (D+D character)

I mean, look at this picture, could a normal kid do this? I don't think so. I've got a drive to get better and better at what I do, and won't let anyone get in my way of doing it. I've got a dream to live in Japan, and I won't let anyone or anything get in my way. I write and draw constantly and never want to quit. So if you've got an amazing gift, try making a plan to get to your goal, doing what you love for a living. I know I will. Plus have some people who are 100% behind you, they will help you get to your goal. That's my advice for weird kids like me.

But I know the feeling that you've got no-one, the pain of being made fun of, and the want to have friends. Don't let it get to you, it will pass. I was a weird kid from 1st to 5th grade, and then a period where I was the coolest kid in the school. Then when 8th grade came, I became the weird kid again. But I never stop being myself. If you lose yourself trying to be popular, then stop. Because the beautiful people who are unique are the weird kids. We will be successful, and if anyone tries to stop you, screw them. They don't know you, you know you, and you will have a better life. My advice to weird kids is:

1. Be yourself
2. Don't listen to others about how you should be
3. Don't commit suicide
4. Do what you love everyday so you have something that will keep you going
5. Tell yourself everyday that you're unique and beautiful.

That is my advice

P.S. I don't know what my religion is, so don't judge me by what I believe in because I believe in many things.

Friday, February 25, 2011

School Project and Styles

My school project is about the Greek Olympic Gods. I have to make a cover with some of the gods on it. So I picked Demeter and Athena. I copied pictures from original drawings to paper and scanned them. They were sort of inappropriate because they showed chest, so I edited that out of my versions. These are Athena and Demeter:

I know, Demeter looks inappropriate already, but at least there is no outline of nipples or pieces of it in there like in the original. It took me an hour each on these drawings, and I hope that when I show them to my teacher, she will be pleased, because I worked hard on these drawings. I think she will freak out a little about Demeter, but who cares. In the Athena picture, the thing on her shield is the head of Medusa, like in the myth. I had to change the belt on Demeter because it was too detailed to get onto paper, so I just made it the way it is now.

How I am putting this together is I am using photoshop to put the pictures onto a background in one thing. I edit out the background from the paper, and put them together. Also, my favorite out of the 2 is Athena, not just because she is my favorite goddess, but because she is my first drawing of the gods. I just hope that I will get better as the years go by on anime and realistic styles, because these are the works of an artist in the process of finding her style, otherwise known as me. I'm not trying to have a big ego here, but I'm just saying that I am still in the process of finding my style. I'm guessing in a few years I will find my style and be really good at it. I'm only good with Chibis right now. That's all I'm good at with anime so far, Chibis. Here is an example of my chibi.

The reason that it looks so dark is because I took a picture of it with my phone. But the others were uploaded with a scanner/printer/copier, so it's really cool. But I'm only good with Chibis. I know it looks cool, but anime itself, I've got nothing, nothing that even compares to great anime artists. So, wish me luck. <3

Music and How I started Drawing Anime

The Music I listen to is jpop, otherwise known as Japanese pop. I listen to a few American artists like Taylor Swift, Kiss, Alice Cooper, and a few others. But most of all, I listen to Japanese pop. I actually got into it because of anime. Thank you anime!!! :-)

I started drawing anime by tracing. Yes, I traced for a while. For about a year actually until I got used to the way anime is done. For some reason, it just was so interesting and so fun that I had to watch more. Right now I am watching the anime Gosick. It's pretty cool, I especially like Victorique. She is awesome, but she could smile more. Plus I think she should stand up to the duke and get her freedom. But, I don't know if that even happens in the mangas, so I don't want to change it. This is just an example of what I do.

That is on the bamboo, a digital sketch pad that I've figured out how to use on paint. I know, paint sucks, but it has served me well in my videos.

Also, later I will be doing a picture of Athena and the other Gods and Goddesses for English because we have to do a picture for a packet we're doing. I tried to do a picture of Athena the way I want to, but my mom won't let me, because she didn't want me to get in trouble in school-- there was some nudity in the ones I copied. I've revised them so they are "school-friendly." I will post it along with the blog later this week, if the snowstorm doesn't kill the power. Let's hope not.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


My name is Abigail. I am a youtuber/deviantart member. I am also an artist. My life can be pretty random at times, but recently it's been crap with my love life. Anyway, the video is my thing, I made it along with all the pictures there. Here is the link to my newest work
Yes, it's all me, and I am proud of it. I have been drawing anime for 3 years, and since 3 years ago, have been addicted to anime lol. I actually have my uncle to thank for that. Actually, I have to thank whatever network that showed Sailor Moon that day many many years ago. So it was a great experience getting into anime. My first anime convention was Animarathon. My recent and 2nd anime convention was Ohyocon. There was over 25,000 people there, and it was a llllllllooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg wait. 2 hours. If you got in early, there was an hour wait. But the line was one hell of a line. I mean, people who got pre reg, they didn't need to wait at all. LUCKYS!!! Anyway, I went as Sophie from Howl's moving castle, and barely anyone recognized me. But that's ok. I don't think the other girl that went as Sophie got recognized a lot either.

But I am still trying to perfect my anime style. I am actually trying this one girl's style on deviantart. Her username is meru-chan. She is really good. Here is a picture of the first piece I saw from her.

Cool, huh? It's called 'Austria and Hungary'. Probably the 2 countries or just 2 names? You guys decide. Anyway, I am going to try her style, which will be very interesting. I am planning on making one of me and my boyfriend kissing in this style, and then I'll give it to him.

So I was watching the Fred videos I missed, and they are good again. I hated it when it was 'professionally' done. It just made them suck. But Claudio is really creepy. I think that Lucas should make Claudio gay and have him bring his gay boyfriend over in one episode so Fred can judge him enough that he'll leave. Plus Claudio is way creepy.

Also, my youtube stuff I am not giving a link to because:
1. I am not who you would expect
2. creepers are out there

So yeah, I want to stay safe, and not have creepers on Blogger try and get me. That is my blog. bye. I almost forgot, my account for youtube starts with an m with the letters, ends with an l in the letters, and there are no numbers.